Christ the King - St. Stephen Parish

Come Celebrate with Us

Christ the King Campus

Monday - Friday

9:00am (livestreamed)

First Friday Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Mass

5:00 PM - 6:00PM, Mass at  6:00 PM  (exposition and Mass livestreamed)


9:00 AM & 4:00 PM Vigil Mass (both Masses livestreamed)

3:00 PM - 3:30 PM Confessions


7:30 AM, 9:00 AM, 10:30 AM, and 4:00 PM (10:30 AM Mass livestreamed)

St. Stephen Campus

Monday - Friday

8:00 AM


4:30 PM - 5:00 PM Confessions, Mass at 5:00 PM


9:30 AM

Our Doors Are Open

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Weekly Bulletin

Our bulletins are a snapshot of important events at Christ the King - St. Stephen.  You'll find everything from Fr. Paulson's letter to what's happening with Youth Ministry.

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Staying Connected

Dear Friends,

The Synod on Synodality is a multi-year, worldwide process of listening, dialogue and discernment encompassing a broad range of issues confronting the Catholic Church.  It marks its concluding phase with the synod's second and final general assembly, October 2 through October 27,  held at the Vatican. The members include bishops, lay experts and even non-Catholic observers from around the world. This session will focus on “How to Be a Missionary Synodal Church.” The synod’s 368 voting members will consider proposals related to expanding the role of women, decentralizing Church teaching authority and enhancing the laity’s input in decision-making.

Pope Francis, opening the session, urged the members to listen to the Holy Spirit rather than pursue personal agendas. At the first meeting of the full assembly of the Synod on Synodality, Pope Francis said a bishop’s ministry should include cooperation with lay people and that the synod will need to identify “differing forms” of the exercise of this ministry. “Differing forms of a ‘collegial’ and ‘synodal’ exercise of the episcopal ministry” in dioceses and in the universal Church, Francis said, “will need to be identified in due course, always respecting the deposit of faith and the living tradition, and always responding to what the Spirit asks of the Churches at this particular time and in the different contexts in which they live.”

The Synod on Synodality reflects this “inclusive understanding” of a bishop’s ministry, the pope underlined, adding that bishops and laypeople must learn how to better cooperate in the Church going forward. Highlighting the significance of lay participation in the synodal process, Pope Francis explained that the presence of lay members in the Assembly does not diminish the authority of bishops. Rather, it strengthens the Church’s relational nature, emphasizing the need for collaboration. “No one is saved alone,” the Pope stressed. I am very hopeful as I see the continued emphasis on lay participation and collaboration at every level of leadership in the Church.

On October 2, the first working day of the Synod on Synodality, Cardinal Victor Manuel Fernández, prefect of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, shut down speculation regarding further theological study into the possibility of women being ordained as deacons. “We would like to share from the outset that, based on the analysis conducted so far — which also takes into account the work done by the two commissions established by Pope Francis on the female diaconate — the dicastery judges that there is still no room for a positive decision by the magisterium regarding the access of women to the diaconate, understood as a degree of the sacrament of holy orders,” Fernández stated on Wednesday.

During an October 3 press briefing, Father Giacomo Costa, special secretary of the synod, said this month’s discussions held in the Vatican should serve as “laboratories of synodal life.” “We must learn. Many things may not be quite perfect but these [synod groups] will concede precisely to organize the [Vatican] dicasteries that play an effective role, then pass on decisions to other experts, bishops, men and women religious, lay persons,” Costa told journalists at the Holy See Press Office on Thursday.

One of the questions that is in the mind of lots of people is whether anything substantial will emerge from this synod. “Is the Synod on Synodality — revolution or much ado about nothing?” Vaticanist Andrea Gagliarducci analyzed the first days of the gathering in Rome. He writes: “It seems clear that while the delegates may discuss many things over the next three weeks, nothing will be decided. There will be no doctrinal changes. No diminution of the role of the bishop. No rush to resolve the question of opening the diaconate to women.” 

My personal opinion is to wait and see over the next few months before rushing into any conclusions in this regard. I am personally very hopeful about this dialogue and conversation that is taking place. I plan to update you in the coming weeks. Let us pray for the success of the Synod.

~Fr. Paulson

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What's Happening at Christ the King - St. Stephen

  • Women's Retreat

    "How to Find Peace in the Midst of Chaos"

    Whether we are mothers with young children or women in the workforce or women who are seniors, we all face issues that cause us to be stressed, anxious and sometimes overwhelmed.  The intention of this year’s retreat is to live in the peace that Jesus offers, by moving out of fear and into Joy!


    Through prayer, lecture, small groups, music, song and movement we will create a joyful community.

    Retreat Presenter:

    Pamela Prime, a member of CTK, has an MA in Systematic Theology from the Graduate School of Theology, is a Spiritual Director, retreat leader, author and most importantly a wife, mother and grandmother!

    Register by clicking the button below

    Women's Retreat Registration
  • Children's' Mass

    Children's Mass

    Sunday, October 27, 9am in CTK’s Parish Hall

    We are inviting all children to a Special Sunday Mass

     All children are invited to wear their Halloween costumes to Mass. We will gather in the Parish Hall at 8:45 am, then we’ll enter the church through the sacristy door. Students will then process through the church and back to the Parish Hall where our children’s Mass will begin. We will have R.E. classes after the Mass.

    We look forward to seeing everyone in their best costumes for this special event.

  • Mass of Rememberance

    Mass of Rememberance

    Saturday, November 2

    4pm Mass at Christ the King

    Saturday, November 2

    5pm Mass at St. Stephen

    A special Mass of Remembrance will be held on Saturday November 2 on both church campuses. At the Mass we will pray specially for all who have died during the past 12 months and whose funeral was held at Christ the King-St. Stephen Parish.

    Do you have a loved one who died during the past 12 months? Were they not buried from Christ the King-St. Stephen Parish? Would you like their name included on our scroll? Please call the parish office at 925-682-2486 and leave their name.  Deadline to submit names for the scroll is October 24.

  • ChristLight XVII

    Are you looking for a deeper spiritual connection, a chance to meet other parishioners or some time away from the hectic pace of your life?  Join us for ChristLight XVII.  

    After a five-year break, the Christ Light weekend experience is returning this year.


    ChristLight is a parish-based weekend experience that invites us to renew our faith in the presence of God, as individuals and as a parish community.    ChristLight gathers women and men to share Prayer, Fellowship, Stories, Song and fun! …plus the meals are awesome! 

    ChristLight XVII will be held the weekend of November 8, 9 and 10 at the St. Stephen campus.  At ChristLight, all are welcome to share in an open and trusting community where we can focus on our journey of faith.  

    The weekend will conclude with a special mass on Sunday at 2:30pm at the St. Stephen Church.   Families of participants are welcome to join at this mass.

    • Friday, November 8th -- 5:30pm
    • Saturday, November 9th -- 7:45 am
    • Sunday, November 10th -- 7:45 am

    St. Stephen Campus

    1101 Keaveny Ct., Walnut Creek

    Space is limited so sign-up now. 

    Online Registration

    Register Here
  • CLOW Returns to Christ the King

    Young Children: 

    Welcome Back to CLOW on Sunday, September 22!

    (Children's Liturgy of the Word)

    At the 9:00 a.m. Mass, children will have the opportunity to join other children in a special Children's Liturgy. Children will listen to the readings of the day in an interactive, child-friendly way so they can better understand God's Word and strengthen their faith.

    CLOW Details

    Time: Sundays at 9:00 a.m. Mass

    Ages: Kindergarten - 4th Grade

    Upcoming Dates: Sept 22,Sept 29,Oct 27,Nov 3,Nov 17, Dec 8

    No registration necessary. Children will be called forward at the start of mass, and will return to the church to present the Gifts and sit near the Altar during the Liturgy of the Eucharist. They will return to their families during Peace be with You.  CLOW is optional, children may participate if they'd like, or remain with their families throughout mass. Questions? Please contact Heidi Nuti.

    Email Heidi Nuti

Livestreamed Masses

The following Masses are livestreamed for those who are unable to celebrate with us.

Christ the King Campus
Monday - Friday

9:00am (and livestreamed)

First Friday Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Mass

5:00pm - 6:00pm Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament followed by Mass

4:00pm Vigil Mass


Staying Connected Archive

View the last 4 editions of Staying Connected

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Christ the King Church

199 Brandon Rd, Pleasant Hill CA

St. Stephen Church

1101 Keaveny Ct, Walnut Creek, CA

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